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Sowing Seeds Ministry has partnered with Harvest Seeds Ministry of Shelby NC and Love Packages of Butler, IL to ship all materials collected. Please visit and to read about this great work being done to spread the Gospel and testimonies from around the world of people coming to Salvation through Christ as a result of this ministry.                                  

Collected in 2024

Bibles            716

Materials    3,200 lbs.

Total Collected

Bibles           5,706

Materials    17,498 lbs.

Image Gallery June 20 Delivery

There may be no better way to communicate what we do than through images. As you browse our site, spend a few moments here.


“We thank God that we are able to take the gospel to people who never ever heard about Christ. As soon as we entered in the village we distributed gospel literature to 7000 people, then after that we had meetings.”


“We have allocated some of your resources for missionaries in Malawi, Tanzania, and Kenya. The needs are so very great and you can be sure that every Bible or theology book you have sent will be greatly appreciated, earnestly studied, and eagerly taught and applied.”

Leaf Pattern Design


Our target for the year is to reach about three thousand pastors and Christian leaders. To equip them with Christian literature and train them to effectively use the resources you have given to the glory of God

South Africa

Sphere on Spiral Stairs
White Structure


530 Motor Rd, Winston-Salem, NC 27105, USA


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